Dermal Filler Side-Effects - Dermal Fillers

Each kind of dermal filler has its own side-effects and these may show up at different stages. This will mostly depend on the type of dermal filler used and also the length of time one is exposed to the filler. One other factor that determines the level and type of effects is when the product was manufactured and the actual manufacturer.

Just like any other goods on the market in different fields, there will always be trusted manufacturers which are known to produce quality products. This means that a customer may have to spend time searching and comparing the different manufacturer's customer feedback and reviews, so as to figure out which company is proven to produce quality products. However, as you would expect, the quality of fillers should be determined by the qualified and skilled administrators of the fillers to ensure there is no problem.

The treatments are not normally very painful but this will depend on the type of pain control in operation and the specific area of injection. More pain is usually encountered in treatments around the lip and nose areas. The most common side-effects include bruising, bleeding, itching, skin discoloration, viral infection, bacterial infection, redness and swelling at the region of injection, allergic reactions, lumps under the skin and skin ulceration in the injected area.

The important point to note is that most of these effects are expected when going through dermal treatment, and that they will disappear within a period of two to three days. If they persist then it becomes necessary to check with a qualified medical person to ensure everything is normal and there is no problem.

It is rare to experience allergic side-effects with most types of fillers. If an allergic reaction occurs it can affect almost any part of the body being treated. It is possible for these side-effects to last around a month, or longer than this in rare cases. As long as the filler is produced to a high standard the chances of experiencing an allergic reaction is rare.

From time to time side-effects can show up much later after the fillers have been used. They can come in the form of lumps under the skin and, in some circumstances, they can be permanent - this once again depends on the type of filler used. There is already evidence to indicate that some of the new permanent fillers on the market contribute to such effects. These are the permanent types which contain beads and so it is important to seek professional advice before committing to any treatment.