Can dermal fillers lift the jowls?

Hello,just a quick question; I’ve read a lot lately that dermal fillers, Botox etc can help lift the jowls is this right? I can not see it myself not without surgery. What happens? Is there anything you can do from 30’s onwards to help prevent the jowls dropping? Is it hereditary if my mums have dropped will mine? Do everyone’s at some point drop? Also the ‘V’ lift what is that? Does that lift jowls too? The pics across the internet look for this treatment look great but they look a little fake / altered. Thank you.
Hi, not such a ‘quick’ question! I’ll do my best with a ‘quick’ reply.

Botox is used to lift the jowls with the so-called Nefertiti Lift. Personally I’m not convinced that it does much and hence I don’t offer it. However, dermal fillers do lift the jowls to some extent. As well as fillers I prefer to use INTRAcel to tone and lift the jowls and neck.

Obviously there is some genetic influence in the way our faces age – but don’t despair – just because your mother has jowls doesn’t mean that you necessarily will. The jowling that occurs with ageing is mainly due to the reduction in quantity and quality of collagen that occurs from the 30s onward. Collagen stimulation is what’s needed.

V Lift is a term used to describe the injection of dermal fillers using a particular pattern of injection designed to mimic the V of a youthful face.

These are all very big subjects and difficult to cover quickly.

Hope this has helped.

Best wishes,
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

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