How safe are dermal fillers and how long have they been around for?

How long has dermal filler been used for treating the face? There’s so many different brands that it makes me wonder about how safe they are and what kind of regulations there are in place. Do you know where I can find this information? What systems do you use and what evidence do you have that they are okay? I’m sure I’ll be back to ask more questions as I’m considering treatment but this is as good a place to start as any! Thanks for your time.
The first fillers in common use to treat the face were based on bovine collagen. These became popular in the 1980’s but their use has gradually declined partly because of the necessity of having a pre-treatment test for allergy. Restylane was the first hyaluronic acid filler and was first used in 1996. SInce then it has been in continuous use across the world for 15 years and has been used approximately 14 million times giving it a long and proven safety record. Other hyaluronic acid fillers have subsequently come on to the market, the most notable of which is probably Juvederm that was introduced in 2006.

In the USA dermal fillers have to pass the strict FDA approval process and there are only half a dozen or so approved fillers. Contrast this with Europe where the approval process is less rigorous and where there are 100+ fillers on the market. My advice is to stick with FDA approved products, of which Restylane and Juvederm are two.

Restylane is my preferred filler because, as I’ve said it has a long safety record. There have been fillers introduced in the last 10 years that initially appear to be very good but then have caused problems years after they were first injected. With Restylane we know that there are not going to be any sudden surprises.

Please fire another question my way and I’l do my best to respond as soon as my time permits.

Kind regards,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

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