Category “Q. Dermal fillers”

Can dermal fillers lift the jowls?

November 1st, 2012
Hello,just a quick question; I’ve read a lot lately that dermal fillers, Botox etc can help lift the jowls is this right? I can not see it myself not without surgery. What happens? Is there anything you can do from 30’s onwards to help prevent the jowls dropping? Is it hereditary if my mums have dropped will mine? Do everyone’s at some point drop? Also the ‘V’ lift what is that? Does that lift jowls too? The pics across the internet look for this treatment look great but they look a little fake / altered. Thank you.
Hi, not such a ‘quick’ question! I’ll do my best with a ‘quick’ reply.

Botox is used to lift the jowls with the so-called Nefertiti Lift. Personally I’m not convinced that it does much and hence I don’t offer it. However, dermal fillers do lift the jowls to some extent. As well as fillers I prefer to use INTRAcel to tone and lift the jowls and neck.

Obviously there is some genetic influence in the way our faces age – but don’t despair – just because your mother has jowls doesn’t mean that you necessarily will. The jowling that occurs with ageing is mainly due to the reduction in quantity and quality of collagen that occurs from the 30s onward. Collagen stimulation is what’s needed.

V Lift is a term used to describe the injection of dermal fillers using a particular pattern of injection designed to mimic the V of a youthful face.

These are all very big subjects and difficult to cover quickly.

Hope this has helped.

Best wishes,
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

How safe are dermal fillers and how long have they been around for?

October 29th, 2012
How long has dermal filler been used for treating the face? There’s so many different brands that it makes me wonder about how safe they are and what kind of regulations there are in place. Do you know where I can find this information? What systems do you use and what evidence do you have that they are okay? I’m sure I’ll be back to ask more questions as I’m considering treatment but this is as good a place to start as any! Thanks for your time.
The first fillers in common use to treat the face were based on bovine collagen. These became popular in the 1980’s but their use has gradually declined partly because of the necessity of having a pre-treatment test for allergy. Restylane was the first hyaluronic acid filler and was first used in 1996. SInce then it has been in continuous use across the world for 15 years and has been used approximately 14 million times giving it a long and proven safety record. Other hyaluronic acid fillers have subsequently come on to the market, the most notable of which is probably Juvederm that was introduced in 2006.

In the USA dermal fillers have to pass the strict FDA approval process and there are only half a dozen or so approved fillers. Contrast this with Europe where the approval process is less rigorous and where there are 100+ fillers on the market. My advice is to stick with FDA approved products, of which Restylane and Juvederm are two.

Restylane is my preferred filler because, as I’ve said it has a long safety record. There have been fillers introduced in the last 10 years that initially appear to be very good but then have caused problems years after they were first injected. With Restylane we know that there are not going to be any sudden surprises.

Please fire another question my way and I’l do my best to respond as soon as my time permits.

Kind regards,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

What do you think about Tear Troughs? What about Botox? I’m not sure I like the idea of it!

October 23rd, 2012
Dear Peter iam wondering if you can help me, Ive seen your before and afters on here and the tear troughs one is amazing, I have a few questions one for my mum aged 56 regarding the tear troughs pics how much is it for that result estimate as I know its hard, do you practice in the north west area at all? if not do you recommend anyone? and for me Iam 32 with luckily only a few tiny lines on my forehead across and central between eyebrows would microdermabrasion suffice and work for now or do you recommend any other facial treatment without needles!? or do you recommend botox (very scared bout it) or Ive heard alot lately re baby botox so its nowhere near as noticeable its been done what are your thoughts on baby botox, thanks for your help
Hi there,
When it is well done I think Tear Troughs are a fantastic treatment. I only practice in Surrey but I know of a very good Tear Trough doctor in the Cheshire area. If that’s any use to you I suggest that you email me directly (see my website for email) and we can take it from there.

Usually forehead and frown lines are due to the repeated creasing effect of the underlying muscles which is why the muscle-relaxing effect of Botox is so effective. Nobody likes the thought of injections but the Botox needles are really tiny and I have ‘needle phobic’ clients who cope very well. Microdermabrasion is unlikely to work.

Baby Botox is a term used to describe the use of small doses of Botox to preserve a lot of muscle movement. Although this may seem an attractive option and can work well we mustn’t lose sight of the fact that Botox produces it’s anti-wrinkle effect through muscle weakening. Hence the less the muscle weakening, the less the anti-wrinkle effect will be. This balance between dose of Botox and effect is one that is best decided at a face-to-face consultation because each person will differ in what they are looking to achieve.

Best wishes,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

I have very pale skin, if i had a dermal filler would you be able see it under my skin?

October 17th, 2012
Hi Peter, unfortunately my skin is very very pale, it has been all my life. I am considering having a dermal filler in my cheeks but i was just wondering if my skin is very pale is there any trace of the filler under my skin?? I’ve heard a few different things about this, someone said about injecting it very deeply under the skin but i wasn’t sure if it was placed deep under the skin would you still get noticeable results? Hope you can clear this up for me! Thanks Peter!
Hello there,

Thanks for your question. To give a smooth and natural result, cheek filler is best given a little deeper compared to some sites on the face. In this position there would be no risk of it being visible, even with pale or thin skin. The volume of filler used would determine how much enhancement was achieved and this is best decided during a full consultation to look at what you want to achieve.
I hope this answers your query.

Best wishes,
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

I’m spending a lot of money on make up and beauty products, is it better value for money to try dermal fillers?

October 17th, 2012
Hi, quick question Adrian – I seem to be spending a lot recently on make up and beauty products to make me look younger and my skin firmer. Probably around £40 per month if not more. I have never had any cosmetic surgery and was just wondering if you think it may be better value for money to try Botox or a dermal filler? Can you buy a few treatments at a time to bring down the cost or is it just one off treatments only? Thanks Adrian hope to hear from you soon!
You are right that non surgical treatments may be better value money for you in the long run.

I think it would be best if you sent a photo of the areas of concern to us at and we will provide you with our expert advice on the best way forward.

Best Wishes

Adrian Richards
Consultation Plastic Surgeon

mr adrian richards

Mr Adrian Richards

Aylesbury Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 0JS
Web: Tel: 0800 328 5743

View My Profile Adrian Richards

I have very sunken eyes can this be fixed with dermal fillers?

October 17th, 2012
Hi Dr Adrian Richards, i hope you are well – I have an issue whereby I have very sunken eyes that make me look very unhealthy when im not. There doesn’t appear to be anywhere that deals with this issue. I don’t believe its that common around people my age (31).is there a procedure in UK to correct this and how much is it likely to cost. I look forward to your response, thank you. 

Thank you very much for your question.

It is possible for you to treat sunken eyes with dermal filler injections.

This is a very specialist treatment and you need to see a specialist doctor to see you to advise on this.

Unfortunately we do not perform this surgery around the eyes but we do perform a number of eyelid surgery operations and have an eyelid surgeon who my be able to discuss the best way forward for you if you are considering eyelid surgery.

Mnay thanks for your enquiry.

Best wishes

Adrian Richards
Consultatant Plastic Surgeon

mr adrian richards

Mr Adrian Richards

Aylesbury Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 0JS
Web: Tel: 0800 328 5743

View My Profile Adrian Richards

I need multiple dermal filler treatments, will you do this in one sitting and how much will it cost?

October 12th, 2012
Hello Peter, My question to you is that i feel i need multiple dermal fillers in different places on my face. I need around my nose and lips, forehead and cheeks. Will you do this in one sitting or break up the treatment? Also do you use a different filler for each particular area? If so do they last the same amount of time? I know its hard not seeing my face but could you give me a ballpark figure for the 3 different treatments together? Thanks!

There is no reason why you cannot have multiple fillers at one sitting. Most hyaluronic acid (HA) filler manufacturers produce a range of fillers, each of which will differ in their consistency, the thicker fillers being used more deeply under the skin. If I were treating different areas of the face I might use Restylane superficially, Restylane Perlane more deeply and perhaps Restylane Sub-Q or Emervel Volume in the deeper layers. These decisions would be made depending on the facial area and what we were trying to achieve.

With regards to how long they would last, in general the thicker the filler and the deeper they are placed, the longer they last.
Fillers are almost always priced by the syringe. Beware when comparing prices that some practitioners quote prices per syringe without stating the volume of the syringe. Usual syringe volumes will vary between 0.5ml to 2.0mls. The volume needed will depend on the areas and how much enhancement you were looking to achieve and because of this realistic figures are difficult to quote. Cost might vary anywhere from £300-£900.

Best Wishes,
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

I have a deep Glabella line and am wanting to know is there a permanent solution to reducing or removing it?

October 12th, 2012
Dear Dr Richards.
I’m a 29 year old male and I have a single deep Glabella line. It is fairly deep and has become more noticeable over the past few years. I want to know if there is a permanent solution to reducing or removing this line, or what other options are available.
Any information you could provide me with I would be grateful as I’m confused about dermal / Botox and laser.
Thank you for your enquiry. The normal way of reducing glabella lines is with botox therapy. Botox works by relaxing the muscle and it is the muscle tht causes the line. Botox acutally can become quite a permanent procedure if you do repeat it over a couple of years as the muscle that produces the frown line starts to weaknen. There are other alternatives which involves more permanent reduction but these do require an operation. I think it would be worthwhile considering botox as an option and if you feel you would like to schedule a possible consultation to discus the best way forward for you pelase contact us on 01844 214362.

Best Wishes

Adrian Richards

mr adrian richards

Mr Adrian Richards

Aylesbury Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 0JS
Web: Tel: 0800 328 5743

View My Profile Adrian Richards

I’m getting married in 6 months and was wondering when would be the best time to get dermal fillers?

October 12th, 2012
Hi Adrian, I’m getting married in 6 months time which i’m very excited about. Now obviously everyone wants to look perfect at their wedding so i was thinking about having dermal fillers as i’m not 21 any more. I was wondering what would be the best time to get dermal fillers around my eyes in order to look the freshest? I just wouldn’t want me to get them too close to the wedding and them not have set properly or still be sore? Hope you can help, thanks Adrian!
First of all congratulations in getting married in six months time.

It certainly would be possibele to have dermal fillers or botox and make you look fresher for the big day.

Please have a look at your website to give you more information about what it is involved and what treatments would be most appropriate for you.

If you would like to scheuled a consultation to schedules the best way forward for you please call our office on 01844 214362.

Best Wishes

Adrian Richards

mr adrian richards

Mr Adrian Richards

Aylesbury Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 0JS
Web: Tel: 0800 328 5743

View My Profile Adrian Richards

I have excess skin hanging down under my chin, can i dermal filler help to firm this up?

October 12th, 2012
Hi there Adrian I hope your OK. Underneath my chin i am getting some excess skin hanging down and wobbling when i talk! Which has never been a good look! I was wondering if any dermal filler would work to firm this bit of skin up? Is an operation to remove the excess skin a better way? I just thought having a facelift was slightly too drastic as dermal fillers seem quite easy and safe? Hope to hear from you soon! 

It is possible to tighten up the skin on your neck either with surgery or botox injections. Botox injections tend to weaken the muscles which pull the skin downwards.

I think it would be worthwhile considering these options and if you would like to book a consultation to discuss the options available to you please do call my office on 01844 214362.

Best Wishes

Adrian Richards
Aurora Clinics

mr adrian richards

Mr Adrian Richards

Aylesbury Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire HP27 0JS
Web: Tel: 0800 328 5743

View My Profile Adrian Richards