Category “Dr Peter Forrester”

How can I remove the fillers in my face?

November 19th, 2012
I had the outline fillers inserted in my face,cheeks and all my face , and lips too but I used outline filler more than I should and now I need to remove the extra filler outline inserted in my face because I had more than I should, and I realize unfortunately that they can’t go away for about 5 years, and I don’t want them , I am so depressed and don’t know what to do. I want to avoid a surgical operation so please can you help me to find a solution? Is there something like peelings or massages or other things that could help the outline be reduced? Anything that helps? that I could do? I would be grateful if you let me know and thank you in advance.
This really depends on which filler was used. If it was a hyaluronic acid filler (HA) then injection of the enzyme Hyalase (hyaluronidase) will usually disperse the filler. However, if the filler is not a HA then there will be little that can be done to remove it.
Sorry not to be more helpful.

Best wishes,
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

How can I increase the volume in my lips?

November 13th, 2012
Hello I’m interested in increasing the volume of my lips, they are very thin, not what a women wants at all! I’ve done some research and I’ve heard mixed reviews about Juvederm? I didn’t know if researching it on the internet was a reliable source? I was hoping to get your opinion on which product is best to use for lip enhancement? What is the price of a syringe at your clinic? Thanks a lot for your time its appreciated! Regards.
The problem is that when things don’t go as expected people are very motivated to share their experiences on the internet. However, when things go well they tend not to bother posting on the web which gives a bit of a skewed view of things.
For reasons of personal preference I use Restylane but Juvederm is an excellent HA filler and suitable for use in the lips. Personally I would always go for either Juvederm or Restylane.

In our clinic a 1.0ml syringe of Restylane is £325.
When comparing prices remember that when clinics quote prices per ‘syringe’ you need to be aware of the fact that a syringe can be either 0.5 or 1.0ml therefore you need to look at volume as well.
Also, don’t forget that when choosing a treatment it is not just about shopping around for the lowest price. Having facial injectables such as Botox or Restylane is not like buying the cheapest product from the supermarket – this is your face we’re talking about here. As well as the cost of the actual product you are also paying for the time, advice, expertise and follow-up from a qualified professional.

Best wishes,
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

Can you recommend skin treatments for a woman in her 30’s?

November 9th, 2012
Thank you for your response Peter, yes please if you don’t mind naming some products in your opinion that would be a good buy for skin in its 30’s to help keep it as youthful as possible. You also mention Retinol this is not something I’ve ever heard of, is it a product?. This is such a great way to get information about these types of things. I really appreciate all your help and I am sure these answers will help numerous woman across the country too.
For a vitamin C serum I really rate Medik8 CE-Tetra.
Vitamin C should be applied every morning, as your first ‘layer’ after cleansing. Apply very thinly over the whole face & neck. No advantage in slapping on thickly and no need to use more than once a day. A 30ml bottle of CE-Tetra should last at least two months.

For a Retinol, I can’t recommend highly enough GloTherapeutics Renew Serum. Use before bed. Start only every 3-4 days and build up to nightly over a period of 3-4 weeks to avoid irritation. Don’t use on the neck or lower lids initially.

For info about Retinoids, see my blog

Hope this helps,

Kind regards
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

Would fillers work on my naso-labial lines?

November 8th, 2012
Hi Peter,
I want to have filler in the lines from nose to mouth but I have nerve damage in that area due to an operation on my cheekbone 18 years ago. My cheekbone had to be pushed back into place. I have a permanent area from my lip to nose which feels numb. Can the treatment make this worse? I am 42 years old and feel my face is sagging face is sagging mostly around the cheeks, mouth and jaw areas.Thank you for taking the time to look at my question and I look forward to hearing back from you in the near future. Thanks
Hi There,

Difficult to give a good opinion without seeing your face, but I would say that from the information you’ve given, I wouldn’t think that fillers would make things worse. When considering naso-labial fillers (nose-to-mouth corners) it is important to look at the whole mid-face including the cheeks.

Kind regards,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

What is the cost of micro-fill treatment to the upper lip?

November 8th, 2012
I am 51 and have some vertical lip lines. I have seen a demonstration film of the artiste method with the FINE needle. Would this be very painful? Is this method only available in your Esher clinic or do you work from any central London clinics? Finally, what is the price for treatment to the upper lip? Thank you. 
Hello,  This technique is not painful because I either use topical local anaesthetic gel or a nerve block.
After a number of years travelling around I now only work from our Esher clinic where I find that I have more control over the environment and facilities. I think this makes the whole client experience much more satisfying, effective and safe. The cost of a micro-fill technique on the upper lip is £375.

We do not charge for an initial consultation if you would like to discuss the options.

Best wishes,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

Hi Peter, thank you for your answer on the best treatment for jowls. Sorry I didn’t realise that id actually asked a lot of questions in one go! just got into a flow :). You mentioned collagen stimulation as a good place to start in your 30’s. What in you

November 5th, 2012
Hi Peter, thank you for your answer on the best treatment for jowls. Sorry I didn’t realise that id actually asked a lot of questions in one go! just got into a flow :). You mentioned collagen stimulation as a good place to start in your 30’s. What in your opinion is the best form of collagen stimulation treatment for prevention of jowls for someone in there 30’s? also i’ve read that extra weigh can add to the problem – skin sagging? however if you lose that weight you’ll be left with sagging skin anyway seems like a lose lose situation. Thank you for your time and great advice.
A good quality Vitamin C serum applied to the skin every morning is a proven way to maintain collagen as well as provide some extra photo-protection (it will help your sunscreen but not replace it). This is not an overnight miracle but should be part of every long-term skin health programme. I very much like Medik8 CE-Tetra – it’s easy to apply, well tolerated and not too expensive. Remember to apply every morning as your first layer and there’s no advantage in applying other than very thinly.
The other essential is some form of Retinol – low concentration ion your 30’s but step it up in the 40’s and beyond.
Happy to name specific products if required.
Best wishes,
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey
Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

Would dermal fillers work on my scars?

November 5th, 2012
I would like some advice about a few problem areas that I have on my face. I have two pitted scars on my forehead from when I was a child and had chicken pox. They have faded slightly but are a greyish/blue colour and I am very conscious of them. Do you think dermal fillers would work on them? I don’t expect the colour would change but just the pitted look. I also have crows feet or laughter lines as I like to call them!They are quite obvious and as the rest of my face is pretty smooth I think they look even more pronounced. Do you think I should have fillers or perhaps Botox? I am 40. Thank you.
Many thanks – two good questions.
Dermal fillers certainly have a role in the treatment of pitted scars. However, scars are often tethered to deeper layers which means that fillers may not lift them as much as hoped. Dermaroller can be of some help but I much prefer INTRAcel which is much more effective.

In my opinion Botox is the no.1 treatment for crows feet and almost always works well. The lines are caused by the creasing action of the underlying muscles; filers can appear to work but usually the muscles will start to crease the filler. Gently weakening the muscles with botox is the answer.

I hope this helps, best wishes,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

Can dermal fillers lift the jowls?

November 1st, 2012
Hello,just a quick question; I’ve read a lot lately that dermal fillers, Botox etc can help lift the jowls is this right? I can not see it myself not without surgery. What happens? Is there anything you can do from 30’s onwards to help prevent the jowls dropping? Is it hereditary if my mums have dropped will mine? Do everyone’s at some point drop? Also the ‘V’ lift what is that? Does that lift jowls too? The pics across the internet look for this treatment look great but they look a little fake / altered. Thank you.
Hi, not such a ‘quick’ question! I’ll do my best with a ‘quick’ reply.

Botox is used to lift the jowls with the so-called Nefertiti Lift. Personally I’m not convinced that it does much and hence I don’t offer it. However, dermal fillers do lift the jowls to some extent. As well as fillers I prefer to use INTRAcel to tone and lift the jowls and neck.

Obviously there is some genetic influence in the way our faces age – but don’t despair – just because your mother has jowls doesn’t mean that you necessarily will. The jowling that occurs with ageing is mainly due to the reduction in quantity and quality of collagen that occurs from the 30s onward. Collagen stimulation is what’s needed.

V Lift is a term used to describe the injection of dermal fillers using a particular pattern of injection designed to mimic the V of a youthful face.

These are all very big subjects and difficult to cover quickly.

Hope this has helped.

Best wishes,
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

How safe are dermal fillers and how long have they been around for?

October 29th, 2012
How long has dermal filler been used for treating the face? There’s so many different brands that it makes me wonder about how safe they are and what kind of regulations there are in place. Do you know where I can find this information? What systems do you use and what evidence do you have that they are okay? I’m sure I’ll be back to ask more questions as I’m considering treatment but this is as good a place to start as any! Thanks for your time.
The first fillers in common use to treat the face were based on bovine collagen. These became popular in the 1980’s but their use has gradually declined partly because of the necessity of having a pre-treatment test for allergy. Restylane was the first hyaluronic acid filler and was first used in 1996. SInce then it has been in continuous use across the world for 15 years and has been used approximately 14 million times giving it a long and proven safety record. Other hyaluronic acid fillers have subsequently come on to the market, the most notable of which is probably Juvederm that was introduced in 2006.

In the USA dermal fillers have to pass the strict FDA approval process and there are only half a dozen or so approved fillers. Contrast this with Europe where the approval process is less rigorous and where there are 100+ fillers on the market. My advice is to stick with FDA approved products, of which Restylane and Juvederm are two.

Restylane is my preferred filler because, as I’ve said it has a long safety record. There have been fillers introduced in the last 10 years that initially appear to be very good but then have caused problems years after they were first injected. With Restylane we know that there are not going to be any sudden surprises.

Please fire another question my way and I’l do my best to respond as soon as my time permits.

Kind regards,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester

What do you think about Tear Troughs? What about Botox? I’m not sure I like the idea of it!

October 23rd, 2012
Dear Peter iam wondering if you can help me, Ive seen your before and afters on here and the tear troughs one is amazing, I have a few questions one for my mum aged 56 regarding the tear troughs pics how much is it for that result estimate as I know its hard, do you practice in the north west area at all? if not do you recommend anyone? and for me Iam 32 with luckily only a few tiny lines on my forehead across and central between eyebrows would microdermabrasion suffice and work for now or do you recommend any other facial treatment without needles!? or do you recommend botox (very scared bout it) or Ive heard alot lately re baby botox so its nowhere near as noticeable its been done what are your thoughts on baby botox, thanks for your help
Hi there,
When it is well done I think Tear Troughs are a fantastic treatment. I only practice in Surrey but I know of a very good Tear Trough doctor in the Cheshire area. If that’s any use to you I suggest that you email me directly (see my website for email) and we can take it from there.

Usually forehead and frown lines are due to the repeated creasing effect of the underlying muscles which is why the muscle-relaxing effect of Botox is so effective. Nobody likes the thought of injections but the Botox needles are really tiny and I have ‘needle phobic’ clients who cope very well. Microdermabrasion is unlikely to work.

Baby Botox is a term used to describe the use of small doses of Botox to preserve a lot of muscle movement. Although this may seem an attractive option and can work well we mustn’t lose sight of the fact that Botox produces it’s anti-wrinkle effect through muscle weakening. Hence the less the muscle weakening, the less the anti-wrinkle effect will be. This balance between dose of Botox and effect is one that is best decided at a face-to-face consultation because each person will differ in what they are looking to achieve.

Best wishes,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester