Posts tagged “permanent filler”

Is it possible to refill lips which have been treated with Aquamid?

January 7th, 2013
Hi Dr,
Can one who has had lip augmentation with Aquamid 2 years ago , now refill her lip with a shorter lasting gel such as a hialloronic acid filler over it ? It seems that the previous gel has been maximally disappeared unless a few palpable micronodules in lip contour . and in general what could we do with the remaining gel nodules in treated areas ? what is your opinion about ALAYNA fillers ? Thank you so much
Best regards.
Hello there,
I am very conservative when it comes to fillers and particularly lip fillers where I would only use a hyaluronic acid (HA) filler. Although not long-lasting they are very safe and rarely cause problems. In addition they can be dispersed with hyalase.
The question about injecting HA over Aquamid is a difficult one. All I can say is that if the Aquamid has been very settled for a number of years then it might be OK. There is always a risk of the HA triggering problems with the underlying permanent filler.
If the Aquamid nodules are not causing you any bother then I would leave them alone.
I hope this is of some help.
Kind regards,
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey
Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

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Can Aquamid be used in the back of the hands?

January 3rd, 2013
Can Aquamid be used in the back of the hands? I have a youthful face and body, but my hands are those of an old lady!!! I could not afford to have filler which does not last more than a year or so and wonder if Aquamid could be used. I’ve been told fat transfer may be an option but this would be much more invasive and I’m guessing expensive. I am a nurse and need to clean my hands regularly with products which are very drying, I use sunblock on a daily basis, however my hands look awful, I would love to improve them with a filler
many thanks. 
Although I can see the apparent attraction of using permanent fillers, I would not use a permanent filler in the hands.
I have seen HA fillers last surprisingly well in the backs of hands (including my own!). Radiesse has a good reputation for hands although I have not personally used it in this area.
Also, don’t forget that ageing hands are not just about volume loss. Poor tone, texture, age spots and pigmentation can all be addressed on the hands just as we would on the face. Tretinoin, hydroquinone and AHA’s all are useful when rejuvenating the hands.
Please don’t hesitate to get back to me if you need any more advice.

Best wishes,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

View My Profile Dr Peter Forrester