Posts tagged “lip fillers”

Is it possible to refill lips which have been treated with Aquamid?

January 7th, 2013
Hi Dr,
Can one who has had lip augmentation with Aquamid 2 years ago , now refill her lip with a shorter lasting gel such as a hialloronic acid filler over it ? It seems that the previous gel has been maximally disappeared unless a few palpable micronodules in lip contour . and in general what could we do with the remaining gel nodules in treated areas ? what is your opinion about ALAYNA fillers ? Thank you so much
Best regards.
Hello there,
I am very conservative when it comes to fillers and particularly lip fillers where I would only use a hyaluronic acid (HA) filler. Although not long-lasting they are very safe and rarely cause problems. In addition they can be dispersed with hyalase.
The question about injecting HA over Aquamid is a difficult one. All I can say is that if the Aquamid has been very settled for a number of years then it might be OK. There is always a risk of the HA triggering problems with the underlying permanent filler.
If the Aquamid nodules are not causing you any bother then I would leave them alone.
I hope this is of some help.
Kind regards,
Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey
Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

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