Posts tagged “bad acne scars”

Would dermal fillers work on my acne scars?

December 11th, 2012
Hello Dr Forrester,
I had quite bad acne as a teenager and also as an adult which has left me with with some pitted scars on my face. They are mainly on my cheeks and they are quite noticeable, make-up or not. Do you think that fillers would work to plump out the scars at all?They are not very big, but there are quite a lot of them. Also, if fillers can work would you suggest I have any specific ones in particular?
Thank you for reading my problem and I look forward to receiving any advice you can offer me, Thanks.

Dear Kim,

Fillers can help with plumping pitted acne scarring but often need to be combined with some form of other procedure such as dermaroller or INTRAcel. A hyaluronic acid filler wold be the best choice – something like Restylane or Juvederm.

Best wishes,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

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