Are there any fillers that would be good for the neck area?

Hello Dr Forrester,
I have a problem with my neck. My face so far doesn’t look bad at 34, but my neck is starting to get quite a few lines . My question is whether you think that dermal fillers would work for my neck? Also is there anything I can do to prevent further lines? I don’t sit in the sun or use sunbeds etc. Are there any creams or serums that I could use? I normally use body lotion and also whatever moisturiser I put on my face. Also, do you perform fillers on the neck area? Thanks for your time and i look forward to reading any advice that you can give me. 
Apologies for my delay in replying. I have been at IMCAS, a cosmetic conference.

The neck can be a problem area as the skin is quite sensitive. Although you don’t sit in the sun I would recommend a sunscreen on the neck and face 365 days a year. Even if it is cloudy there are still UV rays out there.

I would recommend a Vitamin C serum on the neck and face. Choose a serum that has at least 10-15% vit C; don’t rely on creams that contain vitamin C as they rarely have enough to be effective. Remember that this is not an overnight miracle but a long term strategy. I think that the new Medik8 serum called CE-Thione is excellent. In addition to a sunscreen and vit C you should consider a retinoid but because the neck is sensitive you need to choose carefully.

Fillers have a limited role in the neck but a course of something light like Restylane Vital can help. Lastly I am a big fan of INTRAcel which is a type of radio-frequency needling that is beneficial over the whole face and neck.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Dr Peter Forrester
Cosmetic Doctor
Esher, Surrey

Dr Peter Forrester

Dr Peter Forrester

6 Esher Park Avenue, Esher, Surrey, KT10 9NP
Web: Tel: 01372 890 890

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