About Dermal Fillers - Dermal Fillers

The principle function of dermal fillers is to reverse negative effects to the skin brought on by ageing, as well as problems with acne scars or misbalanced facial features, among other defects. In other words the main purpose of dermal fillers is to return the skin to its original condition or to reshape certain features. In some cases they can even create an appearance which is more youthful than that achieved in a surgical face operation, such as the undertaking of a face lift to stretch the skin.

As the skin ages the major elements of the dermis are gradually lost. These elements include elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen. Collagen is the major protein which supports the skin, while hyaluronic acid assists in adding volume and shape to the skin.

The main function of elastin is to allow the skin to stay firm and resist the development of wrinkles, depressions and folds on the skin surface. In general terms it could be said that these materials prevent the skin from becoming saggy. However, as they gradually decrease in the body the skin ultimately becomes thinner and lined with deep wrinkles. Dermal fillers provide a perfect solution to this problem by restoring such lost elements.

There are currently several types of dermal fillers available on the market. The most popular types of dermal filler are collagen fillers, polylactic acid fillers, hyaluronic acid fillers and calcium hydroxylapatite fillers. These come in different degrees of thickness, a factor which will determine how deep the injection goes into the skin. The thicker the filler, the deeper it can be injected.

A broader classification tends to put dermal fillers under permanent or non-permanent depending on their effect. The permanent fillers are also called non-resorbable dermal fillers, while the non-permanent fillers are called resorbable dermal fillers. As the names suggest the permanent dermal fillers can have a long lasting effect. On the other hand the non-permanent dermal fillers have a shorter effect and will require replenishment once they have worn off. The permanent, non-resorbable dermal fillers are not widely used in the UK, whereas the non-permanent types are commonly used and have an almost one hundred per cent market share.