Aged Hands - Dermal Fillers

Our hands are often the first place to start showing the signs of ageing skin. Many people spend a great deal of time trying to make their faces look younger, but this can sometimes be the only place they concentrate on. The face is often given most of the attention as facial aesthetics is very important in today's society.

As a result we are often caught unaware by less noticed conditions like ageing hands, and by the time we notice it can sometimes be too late. Using sun protection creams on the hands is just as important as looking after your face and neck. The good news is that aged hands can be treated and controlled, so that you can look down at your hands and feel happy with how they look.

It is perhaps interesting to note that the hands actually start to age much earlier than other parts of the body. The explanation for this is that the hands are always in motion and doing lots of things every single day. Ageing hand can be taken care of by the use of hand rejuvenation procedures. Treating hands involves the removal of skin spots, volume restoration and the increasing of skin tightness to improve firmness.

To enhance volume Radiesse can be used to plump-up the skin for less visibility of tendons and veins. The overall effect of this treatment is that it makes the hands look free of wrinkles and younger in appearance. Topical Colhy Gel and hydroquinone application, in combination with intense pulsed light treatment, are suitable for treating age spots.

In most cases hand treatment is largely painless and effective with dermal fillers. A good piece of advice for maintaining youthful hands is to always apply sunscreen, so as to protect them from the harmful effects of the sun.